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DMXPCT-10 Cool Cable DMX 3-pin PCT Combo Cables, 10ft


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Cool Cable™ DMXPCT cables can replace any set of individual power and DMX extensions with a single neatly wrapped cable. They come in various length, with 3-pin or 5-pin XLR plugs, and can be used to link the power and data of any equipment with DMX and powerCON® TRUE1 compatible connections. These cables are perfect for linking up all of your outdoor lighting fixtures. The DMX cable is built to meet USITT standards for DMX512 cables - 120 ohms, low capacitance, and double (foil and braid) shield. Finally, both power and DMX cables are encased together in a highly flexible outer jacket with heat shrink.


  • High quality, power + data cable
  • 3-pin DMX cable (male to female)
  • Heavy duty power cord
  • powerCON® TRUE1 compatible input/output
  • Includes secure velcro cable straps



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