An evolved next-generation analog synthesizer with huge potential for sound design and performance. Korg wanted to deliver a next-generation analog synthesizer for a new generation of musicians new to analog synthesis. That dream was realized in the development of the minilogue, which instantly made the analog synthesizer approachable. In addition to emphasizing the same real analog sound and joy of controlling an electronic musical instrument offered by the original minilogue, the minilogue xd newly adds a digital multi-engine, effects, a powered-up sequencer, and micro tuning functionality, further expanding the possibilities for sound design and performance potential. Minilogue xd is a fitting addition to the original groundbreaking minilogue. The minilogue xd features a customizable open environment. The unit comes with 16 user oscillator slots and 16 user effect slots that you can customize. Oscillators and user programs that you've created with the SDK (Software Development Kit) can be loaded into the minilogue xd via the dedicated librarian software. What sounds might arise from the fusion of the expanded digital oscillators with analog synthesis? Create original programs, share code, and participate in the user community. You can start with sample code provided by KORG.
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