SMOOTH IMPACT is a genuine vacuum tube compressor that utilizes the gain variation resulting from fluctuations in Nutube’s power supply voltage. It marks the debut of a pedal-type vacuum tube compressor, offering a distinct, natural playing feel unlike compressors of other types. Instead of conventional VCA, optical, or FET methods, it harnesses the non-linear realm of tubes, featuring harmonics derived uniquely from vacuum tubes, setting it apart from clipping. Emphasizing the compression effect, it not only provides cutting tones but also allows for a solid sound with a light touch, even with settings that don’t convey the nuances of compression. This makes it highly effective for players who are not fans of compressors and for modern-style clean-tone backing, tapping, and more. Additionally, connecting it to solid-state amps or digital devices and incorporating the nuances of vacuum tubes is recommended. You can choose the character with the mini switch.
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