Please welcome the first Community Pedal. The Colosseum is the result of a series of polls taken amongst the Cornerstone followers and supporters in the Cornerstone Community. Cornerstone is incredibly proud to present this pedal in which the people have had a large role in it’s design process. The Blues Breaker Circuit, Evolved. The BB side features no clipping diodes, eliminating the usual issues of low volume and dark tone. This tweak enhances clarity and output. Additionally, the “signature” Clean control from the Gladio lets you blend clean signal for greater tonal versatility. Klon’s Magic, Reimagined. The Klon side remains mostly unchanged but introduces the Clip Blender. While still using hand-selected 1N34A Germanium diodes, we’ve added a pair of silicon diodes for expanded tonal flexibility. This feature lets you blend between the classic Klon sound and a fresh new flavor. For the Looper Lovers. Four rear jacks allow you to integrate each side independently with your favorite looper or insert other pedals in between. More Tonal Options, a toggle switch easily changes the order of the two channels, unlocking even more sonic possibilities.
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