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Thirty-three years after the release of one of the most legendary and iconic signature guitars of all time. Steve and Ibanez worked tirelessly over a period of time in order to realize Steve's vision; a guitar that can not only capture the same thrill and exhilaration that his JEM guitars have always provided, but also one that adds incredible elements of aesthetics, design, and function. After an exciting process of research and development, Steve and Ibanez were able to create something that exceeded all expectations, something that Steve has deemed "Paradise in Art." Ibanez is proud to now offer this new guitar, the Ibanez PIA, as the next of evolution of our amazing partnership with Steve Vai. The 'Petal Grip', arguably the most eye-catching feature of the PIA, is something that Steve feels visually represents the bond that two entities can create when in synergy with one another. It is this synergy, and its ability to create a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than its parts, that the Ibanez PIA is born.
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