The image of buffers has been unfairly maligned in the music press and in the gear forum community for many years. With the advent of more true-bypass pedals and musicians getting pickier about their tone, many started to wonder why their tone was not as powerful as before when using a few pedals in series. Even with all true-bypass pedals, the cable lengths and varied capacitance values can affect your tone strength and tone. The BJF Buffer fixes this in One Control's Minimal Series enclosure. One Control have installed this exact buffer circuit into many of the one Control switchers. The completely natural sounding buffer circuit will change your mind about having a buffer in your pedalboard signal path. Björn Juhl from BJFe designed this buffer to help with the varied cable lengths and true bypass pedals in the signal chain. The BJF Buffer will help amplify the signal without changing the apparent volume or distortion, adding some toughness and strength to your sound. There are professionals all over the world who have the BJF Buffer circuit on their pedalboards. Give your tone a bigger signal without adding more noise, distortion, or overload of the amplifier preamp. Another useful feature of the BJF Buffer is the Phase Inversion switch. The sound of musical instruments is a wave that travels through the air. Frequency is pitch and the vibration width is the amplitude. The sound of an instrument is composed of multiple waves like this mixed together. Phase is simply the position where the wave begins. Even if the waveform is the same, changing the starting position will completely change the movement of the air at that moment. With only a single note, the phase has much less effect on timbre. However, with multiple sounds such as guitar and bass, the difference in phase will affect the sound. The Phase Inversion switch is used to restore the phase that may be inverted depending on the characteristics of the equipment, or to match the phase of other instruments. The theory behind this can be confusing – but you don’t have to worry over difficult things. Make a sound with the band or ensemble at rehearsal and set the switch to the setting that sounds best to your ears. Being in phase with the other instruments will help your sound to project strongly with the band. Let’s make your tone stronger along with the whole band with the One Control Minimal Series BJF Buffer!
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